Friday, March 6, 2009

God is not logical, whether you like it or not

As I was reading a post about atheist beliefs and a battle of comments that followed, I realised that people were trying to disqualify God with human logic.

If God really does exist, who are we to bring him down with our logic? God and humans are fundamentally different, and the way God thinks and the way humans think are also different. "God failed because he sent the flood to wipe out evil, but there's still evil in the world. Therefore God failed." "God made humans, but humans continue to fail God, so God is a failure." Yes, from our point of view, God may be a failure. Humans think that they are so smart which makes them think that they can judge God. Who gives them the right to do this? Are we much more perfect then God to criticise him and bring him down?

I think that being a Christian is about giving up our pride and approaching God with humbleness. Atheists are atheists because they have such high opinion of themselves and can't think of humbling themselves before an "imaginary" figure. This may explain the growing number of atheists in the modern world, where more people are educated, and try to base faith on knowledge rather than belief.

As Christians, we shouldn't follow the ways of the world by trying to explain God to atheist with logic. Obviously atheists are better in logic than Christians(God is not so logical), so by trying to challenge them with logic, they will end up thinking that their logic is superior and therefore think that they are right. Rather, we should keep praying for them, and believing that God will do what is appropriate.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you'll just brush this off as me being too proud, but atheists have given up the ability to be proud of god, proud of the fact that they've been saved / are the chosen people and every single other-worldly reason for pride.

That and, despite being an atheist I apparently have low self-esteem.

J.Park said...

Appreciate the comment...
I'd just like to state that being a Christian doesn't make me superior to other people. I am thankful, not proud.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to state the same thing about Atheists - we're not proud nor superior, and I'm thankful too.

Regardless, aren't you focusing on pride a bit much? You seem somewhat defensive about implications of pride, while accusing Atheists of being Atheists purely because they're full of themselves.

J.Park said...

Maybe I was wrong to stereotype atheists, sorry about that. The blog post was how I reacted to another blog's comments where the atheists only tried to bring down God with their logic..

Anonymous said...

No worries, we're all pretty much used to it by now.

I've read the blog post you were replying too, but I must admit that I don't really agree with the existence of 'human logic'. Sure, logic as a field is man made, but it's not like concepts and logical operators somehow change when a non-human is considering them.

Plus I don't think anyone was actually trying to criticise or judge god, since as atheists we don't believe in him. From my perspective at least, the bible tells a lot of stories about god and the ones where he doesn't achieve his objective seem to contradict the ones where he is praised as being all powerful and all knowing.

J.Park said...

Yes.. I get your point. Thanks.